Monday, September 15, 2008

Veronica's House

Not for Sale is an activist organization whose mission is the abolition of slavery and human trafficking worldwide. In their own words it is "the campaign to end slavery in our lifetime." Hybridity, having similar goals,is supporting this group...particularly its unit in Lima, Peru. There the Not for Sale team Generacion is undertaking a project to build a safe house to protect Peruvian children from exploitation. The project is called Veronica's House in remembrance of a girl named Veronica who came to Generacion in need of housing and protection.Unfortunately, Veronica had to released due to a lack of resources. Without a place to call home,she was back on the streets where within a week she was found strangled to death in a hotel room by a man she was forced to have sex with. Not for Sale is in the process of building an emergency shelter and safe house in Lima to protect other children from suffering the same fate. Not for Sale has built similar safe houses and shelters in other locales where the results have been a success. Veronica's House will be built in Veronica's honor and serve as a reminder that she could have been saved had such a building been in existence. The shelter will be able to protect 20 children at a time from the dangers of the streets and its predators. Currently, the project is in need of $100,000 by the end of September in order to start protecting children as soon as October. This is the project web site where you can make a donation

Safehouse built by Not for Sale on Myanmar border protecting Burmese women and children.


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